The NRW Migratory Fish Scheme is an official project of the Federal State Ministry of the Environment (MUNLV). This has been very successfully conducted in cooperation with the NRW Fisheries Association since 1998.
Its aim is the restoration of selected bodies of water in NRW, so that species of migratory fish that were indigenous here in the past may be able to return again.
Since the start of the scheme, already 1400 salmon, a similar number of sea trout and thousands of other migratory fish have returned to NRW. In addition, far-reaching renaturing measures and numerous projects to assist fish migration have been realised. The current implementation phase (2002-2006) is to be followed by a phase of independent action (2007-2010), in which it is hoped that these activities can increasingly be transferred to partners outside the framework of officialdom – e.g. to unsalaried initiatives and the Wasserlauf Foundation.
It is planned that close professional collaboration with the Federal State (especially with the Fisheries Division of LÖBF (Landesanstalt für Ökologie / the Federal State Ecological Institute) will be continued and intensified.
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