This brochure gives an account of the scientific ideas and the detailed programme of measures involved in the NRW Migratory Fish Scheme in the implementation phase from 2003 to 2006.
1.3 MB
Annual report on the Migratory Fish Scheme, 2002
The annual reports on the Migratory Fish Scheme give a detailed listing of species protection measures, waterway enhancement projects and the scheme’s scientific foundations and cooperative partnerships.
4.48 MB
Annual report on the Migratory Fish Scheme, 2003
18.43 MB
Nature for Salmon & Co
1.23 MB
Annual report on the Migratory Fish Scheme, 2004
4.61 MB
Poster 1: Aims of the Migratory Fish Scheme
475.81 kB
Poster 2: The Life of a Salmon (reproduction phase)
317.39 kB
Poster 3: Ideal Waterways for Young Salmon (young salmon phase)
486.33 kB
Poster 4: After One or Two Years of Life (migratory phase)
405.86 kB
Poster 5: Have the Salmon Reached the North Sea? (maturity phase)
475.81 kB
Complete LÖBF poster series
This poster series from the Landesanstalt für Ökologie (LÖBF) [Federal State Ecological Institute] describes the life of the salmon and its environmental needs in the various phases of its lifecycle.