The Foundation has the following organs and bodies: - Management Board (the Foundation’s legal representatives),
consisting of a representative of the Federal State Ministry of the Environment (MUNLV) and two representatives of the Fischereiverband NRW [NRW Fisheries Association].
Mr Walter Sollbach (Rheinischer Fischereiverband), Chairman
Dr Ernst Heddergott (Fischereiverband NRW)
Mr Thomas Neiss (Federal State Ministry of the Environment / MUNLV)
- Foundation Council (provides expert advice and control),
with up to 14 specialists from the Federal State Ministry of the Environment, LÖBF, the Environmental Committee, fishery associations, water management, agriculture, natural conservation and the ecological faculties of universities.
- Still to be appointed -
Dr Fritz Bergmann (Fischereiverband NRW)
- Chief Executive (professional direction of projects and executive management)
Dr Frank Molls
- Donors’ Forum (the assembly of all the Foundation’s supporters) -
all supporters, partners and friends of the foundation are regularly invited to information-sharing events under the auspices of the Donors’ Forum.
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