In spite of having reached Water Quality Class II in many areas, there continues to be a need for action in the gravel spawning grounds of some fish (e.g. brown trout and salmon). Contamination by nutrients and fine sediments that drain into the water from human settlements and agriculture is resulting in a blockage of the ‘interstitial’ gravel spaces and deprivation of oxygen in the bed of the stream. In extreme cases this can lead to the death of the fish eggs and so hinder the natural reproduction of the species. In the Bröl pilot study the influential variables from entire water catchment area were analysed, and the findings were processed to yield a detailed “Guide to the Rehabilitation of Salmon Spawning Waters”. The pilot study was carried out on the commission of the Federal State Ministry of the Environment (MUNLV) by the University of Cologne, in collaboration with the Aggerverband [Agger Association] and a number of professional offices. This publication should be obtainable from MUNLV in the near future.
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