On the River Sieg the Federal State of NRW has in recent years set up large-scale fish ladders, to make it easier for migratory fish to pass the Buisdorf, Unkelmühle, Dattenfeld and Schladern weirs. Currently the Buisdorf fish passage is being still further modernised (as an EU FIAF project). In addition, under the auspices of the Migratory Fish Scheme numerous smaller weirs on the Upper River Sieg (in the Siegen-Wittgenstein district) and on tributaries like the River Bröl have been completely reconstructed, with a view to re-establishing more natural water dynamics. In 2005 a collaboration between NRW and Rheinlandpfalz also resulted in a cross-border “Study on measures to make the River Sieg passable”. The study identifies the measures involved and defines the cost of making the River Sieg passable for migratory fish, enabling them to migrate in an upstream or downstream direction without coming to harm.
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