The eel must be classified today as an endangered species throughout Europe. The upriver migration of the young eel (glass eel) from the sea to the rivers has fallen drastically. The population of eel in the rivers (in the yellow eel phase) is also falling, and the number of adult fish (silver eels) that succeed in migrating back to the sea for spawning is likewise in decline. The EU is consequently envisaging regional eel management plans, plus an emergency scheme to protect this migratory fish species. Whether these measures can be introduced in time to save the eel is however doubtful. For this reason, NRW projects have been launched (FIAF projects) for the protection of the eel, with the support of EU funds. These involve quantitative surveys of the eel’s habitat, analysis of protective measures and the testing of emergency stocking projects using marked eel young. These projects are being carried out in close consultation with Rheinland-Pfalz and the Netherlands.
The eel is endangered above all by the following factors:- Excessive fishing in all stages of the lifecycle (glass eel, yellow eel and silver eel)
- Newly introduced diseases and parasites, as well as the continuing presence of water contamination (e.g. PCB)
- Much loss of life through unprotected hydropower stations (turbine mortality) – the species is particularly vulnerable because of its physical length
- Considerable loss of natural habitat as a result of weirs and river development.
Though the problems involved are very complex, it is nonetheless clear that it is human actions that are putting this mysterious fish species most dramatically at risk. Levels of stock concentration that have been established are unanimously classified by international scientists as being “below the safety threshold” for the continuance of the eel population.
The Wasserlauf Foundation is therefore hoping to make immediate efforts to save the European eel, as well as developing a long-term strategy for protecting the species and encouraging its further development.
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