Resulting from many years of collaborative work in connection with the NRW Migratory Fish Scheme, an excellent cooperative network has developed that involves numerous partners in water-related projects.
Alongside the Federal State Ministry of the Environment (MUNLV), the Federal State Ecological Institute (LÖBF) and the NRW Fisheries Association, the regional water associations, fishery cooperatives, water authorities, national environmental institutes and a great many district governments are actively involved in this cooperative endeavour. The work of species protection projects on site is further supported by non-salaried water project initiatives (like the ARGE Lachs & Meerforelle NRW / NRW Working Consortium for Salmon & Sea Trout), which for example run hatching houses for the resettlement schemes on Rivers Dhünn, Wupper and Eifelrur.
Cross-border collaboration is also carried on with other Federal States and with countries from Switzerland to the Netherlands, coordinated by the Internationale Kommission zum Schutz des Rheins (IKSR) [International Commission for Protection of the Rhine]. In conjunction with the salmon resettlement scheme the Foundation also works hand in hand with the Lachszentrum Haspertalsperre e.V. [Haspertalsperre Salmon Centre, Reg. Soc.].
The Rheinischer Fischereiverband [Rhine Fisheries Association] established an initial basis for the Wasserlauf Foundation in the year 2005, and invites all partners and interest groups that focus on our waterways to become involved in helping the Foundation to establish itself and working to realise the water protection targets that concern us all.
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