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Project sponsors of the NRW Migratory Fish Scheme: Ministerium für Umwelt und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz NRW (MUNLV Düsseldorf, Minister Eckhard Uhlenberg) [NRW Ministry for the Environment and Natural Conservation, Agriculture and
Landesanstalt für Ökologie, Bodenordnung und Forsten NRW (LÖBF Recklinghausen, President Rolf Kalkkuhl) [NRW Federal State Institute for Ecology, Land Administration and Forestry]:
The Fischereiverband NRW [NRW Fisheries Association] is an official cooperation partner of MUNLV in connection with the NRW Migratory Fish Scheme. On the level practical implementation, it is represented by the Rheinischen Fischereiverband (RhFV) [Rhine
IIn the Westphalian part of the Federal State, active organisations are the Landesfischereiverband Westfalen & Lippe [Federal State Fisheries Association of Westphalia and Lippe] and Landesverband Westfalen-Lippe [Federal State Associaton of Westphalia an
International cooperation in Rhine-related projects is coordinated by the Internationale Kommission zum Schutze des Rheins (IKSR) [International Committee for Protection of the Rhine]:
On the river Weser coordination between Federal States is managed by the Flussgebietgemeinschaft Weser (FGG-Weser) [Weser River Environment Society]:
IIn general the development of waterways is coordinated by the water authorities of the regional governments, with the added involvement of the LUA [Federal State Environmental Office] and the 11 national environmental offices:
Further important cooperation partners for the migratory fish habitats of the Sieg, Wupper/Dhünn, Eifelrur, Ruhr and in the Weser region in connection with the Migratory Fish Scheme are:
Aggerverband [Agger Association]:
Wupperverband [Wupper Association]:
Wasserverband Eifelrur [Eifelrur Association]:
Ruhrverband [Ruhr Association]:
Werre Wasserverband [Werre Water Association]:
The salmon protection project is supported by the Lachszentrum Haspertalsperre e.V. [Haspertalsperre Salmon Centre, Reg. Soc.] and the society "Der Atlantische Lachs" [“The Atlantic Salmon”]:

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