Our aimsWaterways for allFoundation sponsors
  Our major shared aim is the maintenance and restoration of the bodies of water in North Rhine Westphalia – and in close connection with this, the successful resettlement, or support of existing populations, of a wide range of species of migratory fish in the rivers of the region.
So as a Foundation we represent on the one hand all citizens who have an interest in living and natural waterways – and on the other, all following generations – indeed, our future!  

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 Copyright 2005, WASSERLAUF - Stiftung für Gewässerschutz & Wanderfische NRW  |  Alleestraße 1, 53757 Sankt Augustin
 Fon 0 22 41 - 14 73 5 - 20  |  Fax 0 22 41 - 14 73 5 - 19  |  Email: info@wasserlauf-nrw.de   |  powered by NEXUS Netsoft GmbH